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A-Squad Pink Ranger


The Pink Ranger and the rest of the A-Squad were supposedly lost on Gamma 4, but in reality they had betrayed Space Patrol Delta in preference of joining Emperor Gruumm by their own will. They actually attacked the colony of Gamma 4 and then sent a distress call, to which the B-Squad Rangers answered to.
Once back at SPD, the A-Squad showed their true colors and took in Cruger as their prisoner to Gruumm. She and the A-Squad then called out the B-Squad Rangers and did battle with them. Throughout the battle, she and the A-Squad Rangers were confident they could defeat the "second choice" B-Squad, and were winning at first.
After Jack Landors and the others used their SWAT Mode however, they were able to beat A-Squad. This then led to a Zord battle, which the A-Squad lost to the S.W.A.T. Megazord, but not before they destroyed the B-Squad's Delta Squad Megazord. Following this, they were arrested and the A-Squad position was retired after a vote from the B-Squad.
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