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Tommy Oliver


Shift Into Turbo

After Billy left to live on Aquitar, and Jason returned the Gold Ranger powers to Trey, the Rangers defeated King Mondo while unbeknownst to the Rangers, Rita & Zedd finished off the remaining House of Gadgetry. But trouble found the Rangers again when Divatox, a ruthless space pirate had decided to become a threat. Thus, a new source of power had to be found to stop her, and thus, the Turbo Rangers were born.
Tommy stepped up and took his new position as the Red Turbo Power Ranger. With new villains came new allies. After Rocky chose to leave because of a karate accident, youngJustin Stewart joined everyone as the Blue Turbo Ranger. The Rangers quickly went into action and approached the cave where Divatox was holding Kimberly and Jason. They found out that they were being sacrificed so that Divatoxcould marry Maligore, a hideous lava monster. Tommy was able to save his friends, and with the new Turbo Megazord, defeated the evil Maligore.
Because of the new Turbo powers, Tommy gained an interest in cars and began to spend a lot of time at the race track. As a result, he didn't attend his graduation ceremony, preferring to pick up his diploma earlier. This caused him to spend less time with the other Turbo Rangers, even though he was present whenever they needed him, similar to his days as the Green Ranger.

Passing the Torch

Tommy as the Red Turbo RangerWhen Zordon and Alpha 5 chose to leave, Dimitria and Alpha 6were assigned to watch over the Rangers. The new mentors didn't stop Divatox, who was determined to destroy the Rangers. Divatox had tried everything but nothing was met with success. On one occasion Divatox's mother told her that the best way to destroy the Rangers was to destroy their leader, Tommy, but of course he came out of the situation unscathed.Near the end of Tommy's tenure as a ranger, Divatox sent Piranhatrons to attack Tommy and Kat, who were riding out to meet Tanya, Adam and Justin for a camping trip. The Piranhatrons abducted Tommy and brought him to a cave where Divatox was prepared to drop him into the Vortex of Eternal Doom and Sorrow.
Tommy was saved by Theodore Jay "T.J." Jarvis Johnson, a teenage boy who was passing through Angel Grove. Tommy was impressed by T.J.'s dedication and bravery, and owed his life to him. When Tommy and the other Rangers had to leave for college, Tommy chose T.J. as his successor.
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