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Tommy Oliver


The White Light


After a week at his uncle's cabin, Tommy sent a letter to the rest of the Rangers to announce that he was coming home. While swimming at the lake one afternoon, a beam of light surrounded Tommy and he was teleported to the Command Center. Zordon and Alpha revealed their plans to him of creating a new Ranger, and because this Ranger would be created from the White Light of Good, it would be impossible for the darkness to control him. Tommy was the perfect candidate to take on the powers for his bravery and determination from his old Ranger days. When the other Rangers were teleported to the Command Center, Tommy revealed himself to be the new White Mighty Morphin' Power Ranger. He would control theWhite Tigerzord with the help of his enchanted talking sabre Saba. Tommy overestimated his powers at first and even lost control of the Tigerzord, but was quick to get back on his feet and was more careful with his powers. Upon his introduction to the rest of the team, Zordon announced that Tommy would become the new leader of the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

New Friends/The Power Transfer

During a day of roller blading in the park, Tommy, Kim, and Billy met and assisted three teens from Stone Canyon High - Rocky DeSantos, Adam Park, andAisha Campbell - in helping save their teacher's infant son as he and his stroller almost went down a hill.The Ninja Encounter They quickly made friends with the new teens, and were later surprised when they won a ninja tournament. Zedd decided to kidnap these teens and make them into his dark warriors, and sent a snake whose bite would make them evil. Tommy, Kim, Billy, and Trini went to save them. While Tommy and Kim freed teens and Trini teleported their teacher away, Billy took care of the snake. However, the snake squeezed Billy's neck, and Tommy had to assist him in removing his helmet to allow him to breathe, revealing his identity to the teens; Tommy and Kim did so too. They were brought before Zordon and made them swear to secrecy, and the teens became friends with all the Rangers, even assisting them from time to time.
When the Teen World Summit came to Angel Grove, Jason, Zack, and Trini were chosen as representatives for the peace conferences in Switzerland.The Power Transfer Their replacements turned out to be none other than the Rangers' three new friends. For the power transfer, Tommy led the Rangers to a distant planet to retrieve the Sword of Light before Zedd tried to destroy the planet with Serpentera. They succeeded in time; Tommy used the sword while Jason, Zack, and Trini transferred their powers to Rocky, Adam, and Aisha. Tommy was sad to see his old friends go but glad that the new Rangers were here to help him.
Plenty of adventures lay ahead. Tommy lost his memories When is a Ranger Not a Ranger?, was turned back to a child Rangers Back in Time, tossed into a storybook Storybook Rangers, turned into liquidWizard for a Day, and turned into a brick Another Brick in the Wall, but throughout it all Tommy managed to keep his head cool.

Return of the Green Ranger

New trouble, however, came when Rita returned and got married to Zedd. Even so, Tommy and the Rangers prevailed over their combined traps and monsters. Rita then called upon theWizard of Deception when she wanted him to create another Tommy, one who would return to her side as the evil Green Ranger. The Wizard of Deception had putties attack Tommy. When they knocked him out, he cut off a lock of his hair and used it to create the evil Green Ranger. This evil Tommy worked with the Wizard of Deception to send the other Rangers back to colonial times.
Tommy woke up and, with his head pounding, he went looking for his friends. Learning that they had been sent back in time, Tommy confronted the evil Ranger. It was a fierce battle, but Tommy outwitted the Green Ranger and found out where the others had been sent. Quickly he went back to retrieve them and destroyed the Wizard. As with the original Tommy, once the Green Ranger's spell was broken, the other Tommy began to feel bad for what he had done. The one thing that Rita had forgotten was at the very core of Tommy is goodness. Tommy assures his double that he was under a spell and that he could not control his actions. The two Tommys returned to the colonial era to save the people there from giant rats. The double Tommy made the decision to stay where he was, realizing that two of Tommy in one time frame wouldn't work. He was then christened "Tom". Tom presumably returned the Green Ranger powers to Tommy, commenting, "I won't be needing this anymore." (although not stated, Tommy may have created his own family line with Tom, which would make Tom his ancestor when he chose to stay in colonial times).
Tommy White vs Evil Green TommyWhen Kimberly was sent back to Western times, she would assist the Rangers' ancestors by creating them into a team of Wild West Power Rangers. Tommy would see his own ancestor who, while not a Ranger, was called the "White Stranger" and assisted Kim with cowboy-like martial arts. Though the Stranger was sad to see Kim off, he glanced a look at an arriving carriage carrying Kim's ancestor.

Ninja Quest

Once again, new threats arose for Tommy. Rita's brother, Rito Revolto destroyed the Thunderzords and the Ranger powers. Therefore, the Rangers searched the Desert of Despair forNinjor, the maker of the original Power Coins. With Ninjor's help, Tommy and the others gained Ninja Ranger powers, which drew on the life force of its ranger, rather than an external source, and would help them in many battles to come. Tommy began his quest as the White Ninja Ranger, controlling the White Ninja Falconzord and eventually the White Shogunzord. Tommy as the White Ninja Ranger.Having new Ninja powers wasn't going to let Rita, Zedd, and Rito stop from planning to destroy the Rangers. Rita placed a spell over Katherine Hillard, a new student from Australia. They told her to become friends with the Rangers and help Rita in her evil schemes.
One day at the beach, Tommy caught Kimberly as she began to feel weak. Quickly he got her to the Command Center where it was discovered that Kimberly lost her Ninja Coin and was being drained of her energy. Having once been in a similar position, Tommy found himself worrying about Kimberly's well-being and safety. Then Lord Zedd placed a trap for Kimberly and took her to his Dark Dimension. Tommy used Billy's teleporting machine to help get Kimberly out of there.
Tommy's worries over Kimberly were not over yet. When Kimberly had been hurt during gymnastics practice, Tommy was immediately at the hospital. Luckily, Kat broke through Rita's evil spell and confessed to Kimberly what had happened. Tommy and the others heard her. Knowing what it was like being under one of Rita's evil spells having been the Green Ranger, Tommy held no grudges against Kat and the damage she had inflicted.
His hardest day was yet to come. The coach who had been training Kimberly wanted her to come to Florida with him. Although Tommy did not want her to go, he also did not want to stand in the way of her dreams. He knew how hard she had worked for this, and he was afraid if he asked her to stay, she would eventually come to resent him for holding her back. They vowed to stay in contact with each other. Because of Katherine's dedication and courage, Kimberly chose to pass the Pink Ninja Coin onto her.
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