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When the evil space pirate Divatox arrived on Earth looking to capture the wizard Lerigot and release the monster Maligore, the Zeo Rangerslearned that their powers wouldn't be enough to stop her if she were to succeed. As such, Zordon, Alpha 5, and the rangers created a new set of powers from an unknown source, creating the Turbo Keys and their corresponding Turbo Zords. Due to Blue Zeo Ranger Rocky DeSantosbeing injured, Justin Stewart became the Blue Turbo Ranger in his place after learning the identities of the other rangers. Using their keys and a magical ship known as the Ghost Galleon, the rangers followed Divatox'sSubcraft through the Nemesis Triangle to the island of Muranthias where Maligore was imprisoned. After facing Divatox's forces and two former rangers-Kimberly Ann Hart and Jason Lee Scott-who had been corrupted by Maligore's influence, the rangers battled and defeated Maligore himself.The rangers continued to battle against Divatox as she threatened Angel Grove, facing off with various monsters as time went on. Shortly after the space pirate's arrival, Zordan and Alpha 5 departed for Zordon's homeworld of Eltar, while Dimitriaand Alpha 6 arrived to advise the rangers. Another ally soon arrived in the form of theBlue Senturion, an intergalactic police officer who came bearing a grim warning of the future formation of the United Alliance of Evil.Passing the TorchEventually, the former Zeo Rangers who remained on the team came to the point where they were ready to move on in their lives. As such, they passed on their powers to four new rangers: T.J. Johnson, Ashley Hammond, Cassie Chan, and Carlos Vallerte, with Justin continuing to serve as the Blue Ranger. This team would continue to contend with Divatox, facing new enemies like her brother General Havoc and being joined by new allies like the sentient cars Lightning Cruiser and Storm Blaster, and the engimatic Phantom Ranger. From their new friend, the rangers also received theRescuezords, which they employed against various monsters sent by Divatox.

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